Tuesday 14 June 2022

Win Some, Lose Some

My new future schedule got published and I am only working three days that week! Which is fantastic. Unfortunately it happens via an 11-hour day which starts as warehouse work. I don't honestly think I can cope with that kind of long day, so if it doesn't magically change by tomorrow I will have to beg Nice Boss to undo that mammoth shift for me.

Poppet has started and impressed everyone, as I knew she would. She doesn't quite believe me, but that's to be expected!

I am still excited by having a washer/dryer, and have behaved accordingly, filling my washing baskets with clean clothes and running the dryer for items that really would have been fine to dry on the rack. Yes, I'm a wasteful child. I have also ignored the piles of boxes that I really should have sorted first. Sort of. I emptied five of them and sorted another five, that's a start, right?

Idiot property manager, DilEmma, has revised her demand and added a few hundred and made it due by next month. She has not, so far, explained how she arrived at this (incorrect) amount. I have sent her another email politely advising that she's a moron she is mistaken, and inviting her to do what she legally is supposed to do, that is, give me the dang paperwork. Particularly, you cannot start a years' accounts with a balance carried forward of £0 if you have not done the previous year's accounts. You simply do not KNOW the balance carried forward until the previous year is done.

In my travels I also discovered that one of the itemised charges was supposed to be a credit. She even named it "Credit" but then, inexplicably, debited it. To every flat, in the same way. Sigh.

I am contemplating a new blog tag of "idiocy".

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