Friday 3 June 2022

The Backflip

A large amount of crazy going on today - I blame the Platty Jubes. Today when the store got quiet, I got screamed at because I had a red till light and said I was closed, but 30 seconds later I was open and green. I think I might have caused Angry Lady an extra 10 seconds out of her life, but she screamed in my face about she was disabled and YOU SAID YOU WERE CLOSED.

The reason I was closed was too long and technical a story to bother with here, or to explain to Angry. But because she was shouting, I did try. I simply hadn't wanted her to be stuck waiting in my queue.

And then the man behind her (I'll call him Pissy Man) lost patience and tried to push her bag aside in the packing area. And she WENT. OFF. THE DEEP END. She was yelling not to ever, ever dare touch someone else's things. I wondered if Angry actually might start slapping Pissy. Staff began running towards the commotion. Then she followed me and began to apologise for overreacting. Fortunately, Pissy Man then made a getaway himself.

Is this the twilight zone? Anyway, I apologised again, explained again that the refunds can often take a long time, that I hadn't wanted her to be stuck waiting, and then she started repeating that she was disabled and in a lot of pain that day, and so I told her that I hoped tomorrow was a better day for her and that she and I were ok. As she left, staff started asking why she was screaming so loud... I say there aren't enough painkillers for that level of nasty.

Within ten minutes we could hear the manager on the phone to her. I waited as poor Star gave out the feedback website address and tried over and over again to get her off the phone. And then Star says over the headset that Angry had called to compliment the way I handled things. Knock me down with a feather. I was waiting to be told it was a complaint.

Still not thrilled with myself, especially since I'd called her a bitch (to Star) as soon as she left.

And how was your day?

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