Friday 14 October 2022

Budgeting Fail

My stoopid Good Boss asked me today if I wanted a plant.

He knew I'd been eyeing them off and (successfully) resisting them for more than a week. And it was the last one. And he reduced it to just over half-price. Sigh. So there goes £10 of this week's grocery cash on a magnificent Dracena for my living room 😍

I also bought a loaf of bread for 10p, even though I'd just bought bread. It's stashed in my freezer for next week, along with a reduced pie.

Despite the fact there were six of us doing the close, four of the boys were being absolute wankers to poor Blondie (the supervisor) and at 9pm all four said they were done and were going home. I volunteered to be the one who stayed while he did the last five minutes in the office. When he emerged, we saw the mess they'd all left in the warehouse... and the two of us had to make it right. Well, at least one of us is getting a few dregs of extra pay 🙋

I then realised I'd forgotten to buy an essential medicine that's nearly run out 😕 so I made a mercy dash to Favourite Supermarket and discovered that... it's cheaper there than at Boots. But as I didn't have any grocery money left, it's gone on my credit card. (Slight guilt there, not sure whether to deduct it from next week's allowance.)

Dinner: pork steak, mixed vegies, yoghurt.

Resolution: I am not buying favourite supermarket's value yoghurt again. It tastes like value. 😖 The one from local cheap German supermarket is miles nicer... and to be honest, it's possible I might switch allegiances to this as my new favourite supermarket.

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