Tuesday 11 October 2022


Well... mega by my standards. I just spent £40 on a ticket to see Russell Howard next year. Very excited and it's still six months away 😂 so hey, I'd better be on my best behaviour and make sure I've earned it by then!

I also have more bills to pay and lately I feel like I am haemorrhaging cash. 😩 I have to travel next week to an important appointment, so there's more money going kaput. Not planning to do anything touristy except maybe walk around and take pictures. Being the frugalist that I am, I'm staying in a hostel and will be enjoying pot noodle!

Incidentally I did manage to scrape together enough for the loan repayment before it was taken automatically. There is not much left in the tank, and I'll have to make some extra repayments here and there to replace what I moved, but I made it (phew).

I am now 82kg and have three to go to reach the "overweight" BMI range, my first target. I looked at my "weight loss journey" and since I started the most recent serious attempt, it's clear that it slowed dramatically over the past few weeks (with a few too many cheeky sandwiches being to blame). I have bought a magical weight loss product which is supposed to make you feel full and am giving it a go for five whole days. So far, it's... not doing much, because I don't generally overeat as a consequence of hunger. I eat because food is nice 😂

First world problems. Oh well, it was worth a try. Hoping to get down to 80 over the next ten days. Wish me luck willpower.

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