Thursday 10 November 2022

An Alexander Day

My day. Today this was me.

I am being dramatic, of course, because I didn't have nearly as many things go wrong as went wrong for poor Alexander in the storybook. But I got to the end of the night and thought... blechhhhh. A volatile customer got very shouty for no reason at all, and instead of just letting Blondie handle her complaint, I tried to apologise to her, and then she shouted more.

I am fortunate that two other customers witnessed everything and told Blondie what had actually happened in the beginning (I was blameless) but he didn't need rescuing, he's a damned good manager, and now it's going to investigation. I know I'll come out of it ok, but I let my colleague down. Sigh.

On the plus side, it reminds me to recognise peoples' achievements and to speak up when they have done well. It is so easy to forget, or to only speak up when something needs improvement.

A direct debit came perilously close to bouncing this week. It was loan repayment week, which is the biggest bill I have, and there wasn't the funds. I had to grab bits from all over (mostly from survey programmes which had reached payout) and I made it, just. But still, not comfortable, so I will keep doing as much overtime as I can, to try and get ahead of expenses again properly.

I did buy more staples during the larger staff discount days though. Lots of loo roll is now stashed 😁

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