Monday 21 November 2022


The reason that bank chopped down my available credit is thanks to an idiotic "order of repayments". In theory the bank puts repayments onto the most expensive debt first, but in this case, they wiped out my long-term interest free account instead of the one about to expire... leaving me with interest-bearing debt. So for two months I've been paying interest on that entire amount and paying only the minimum on the card automatically. Kicking myself right now. But hey, at least it's the card with the reasonable interest rate compared with all the others, and so far it's only cost me about £20 in total.

Anyway, onwards and upwards I suppose. I cracked the magical 48h mark last week at work and the first thing I've done with that pay packet is to establish my £500 buffer, which hasn't been in place for a while. The second was to throw every extra penny at interest-bearing debt. Next week should let me throw quite a bit more at it. I am grateful all over again that I get paid weekly.

I am considering ditching my gym membership as I've used it so little over the past month. Mainly this is down to me getting more exercise at work. It's lower-quality exercise though and my heart rate isn't as good as it was... I am toying with the idea of buying an exercise bike, but first I need to tidy up my clean clothes and get rid of the sofa, which takes up far too much space and only gets used for, well, clean clothes 😁

Day off today after a 50h week and my boss actually tried to get me to work tonight... somehow, I managed to politely decline.

Lunch: sausages and vegies in spring onion and garlic sauce, with rice. Amazing comfort food.

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