Wednesday 23 November 2022

Banking, Basket Weaving

Or: doing busywork which serves no actual purpose but pays a reward. Today I moved money between accounts six times to get my £175 switching bonus, because it had a minimum deposit requirement, and as far as I know there's no rule against moving the money straight back out again. Once I get that switch bonus I'm switching that bank for a further bonus. I have also arranged another switch elsewhere, which should net me a further £200.

Domesticity: I used up mushy peas, leftover frozen veg and other assorted bits of scratch and made a large batch of chunky chicken soup. It is not a taste sensation, but it's healthy and edible and filled me up. I have also procrastinated on the clean laundry which desperately needs sorting and putting away.

Coffee is planned for next week with one of my old workmates, for a long-overdue catch up 😊

I feel slightly guilty today as I've opted for another day off work instead of working six days this week. I really shouldn't feel this way with the mammoth hours I put in last week, but here we are. As penance I am doing some surveys and playing Yahtzee for cash. Except someone should have slapped the developer as they've added so many weird and bizarre changes to this game that I can barely follow how to actually play 💁

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