Thursday 17 November 2022

It Awakens

The Australian Passport Office, that is, just to tell me my photo isn't suitable. I dutifully took a new one myself, as instructed. (Why did I bother paying a shop to take them professionally when both the APO and the Finnish Embassy said it was both poor quality [meaning that the auto gates won't work for me at passport control] and in the case of the APO, it doesn't even pass their specs?) They have now replied a second time and said it's still not suitable because the image is reversed due to being a selfie. FFS. I flipped it and sent it straight back, not sure why they couldn't do that their dang selves, but we'll see if they now complain that I've used an "edited" image.

I am currently disappointed in my body which is not cooperating with what I want it to do, mostly thanks to being old. 😂 Part of the annoyance is that my right ankle still gives me trouble after a long workday on my feet, and it's been like this for two months. I am quite sure that the cure would involve staying off my feet... so I guess this is my new normal, since I'm working six days most weeks right now and it's heading into Christmas. Sigh, I'm sure I put in an order for a new body about six years ago! 😏

Duh moment x3: I left the house too late for the library (needed to print a document) then still didn't arrive at the second library in time 😒 so I decided that since I'd used the local shop's carpark naughtily for nothing and driven for nothing, I'd buy myself a lottery ticket. I get home and it's not the ticket I wanted 😒 so I had better win several million pounds this week... on the upside I did get a shop refund done successfully, so at least I am partially adulting.

Devastated: one of my card issuers has just knocked a huge amount off my available credit. 😞 I just... this is going to throw so many plans into the bin. Ugh, ugh and double ugh. I had wanted to use that card to book the tickets to go to Australia. Ugh. I'm going to need to completely rethink how I finance it now. Beyond frustrating. 😞😞😞 It seems like I'll need to cross my fingers that overtime doesn't suddenly end 😞

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