Friday 11 November 2022

Doing the Sums

I had my first day off in ages (I slept twelve hours, thankyouverymuch) and when I woke up my first thought was that I wanted to figure out my exact current debt.

My memory is a bit hazy of the time I bought this flat because, honestly, money was flying in all directions at once. There was also the enfranchisement cost. But if I figure it correctly...

£40k purchase price - from a £25k loan and approx £15k in savings
£5k legal and moving fees
£45k total (position: -£30k)

and since then
£12k enfranchisement and re-roofing
£57k total (position: -£42k)

Current debt: -£28,600

This means I'm £13k ahead on the debt over two years. Not quite the earth-shattering achievement I had hoped to see, but this is where we are (especially since the ongoing maintenance is not in these totals and still needed to be paid). I am still calling it a win. The flat has gained in value, it's currently worth about £23k more than I have spent and would be about £58k more than I've spent with a few completed improvements.

Also done today was to actually look at all the cards and sort out when the interest-free offers end and what spending on the cards actually costs me. I have a little bit of some balances currently attracting interest and that's my first priority when the "overtime paycheques" come in. Bonus news: based on my maintenance contribution being correctly (re)calculated based on the size of my flat, my contracted hours are now sufficient to cover my minimum expenses. So once I get on top of the latest budget blowout, all my overtime will just be a bonus to pay down the debts faster 😎

This afternoon's goals: finish level 15 of a game that pays me £25, clean my kitchen and sort out my clean clothes. Let's see how those go 😁

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