Thursday 11 May 2023

Vehicular Protest

So on my first day of work I climbed into my trusty Pronto, turned the key, stepped on the accelerator, and... nothing. The engine whirred, I felt the car trying to move, but it wasn't going anywhere. When I forced it, the car dragged one tyre across the driveaway instead of the wheel, you know, spinning, like a wheel is supposed to spin 😔 So I sadly called work and told them I'd be late. When I finally arrived after catching the bus, Blondie said my car was jealous that I went on holidays without it and was just getting its revenge 😂

Turns out the back wheel's brake was seized into place which is apparently common after sitting still for ten days. It also turns out that my stupid insurance's breakdown service does not cover me within 1/4 mile of home. SEAT were quite helpful in giving me tips to try to free it myself, but none of my home attempts were successful. And joining the AA on the spot would have cost me £150 for today plus signing up for road service for a year for another £200, which the dipsy phone rep did not seem to understand was very expensive for what was probably going to be a 30 minute single call-out. So after many phone calls I found a very nice local mechanic who came out and freed it for me, for the divine price of £119.

Which of course is money I can't afford to be spending, but here we are.

Lately I've just really wanted sandwiches for lunch, so I went into Fave Supermarket yesterday because it was beside the bus stop, and bought tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, pickles, sliced cheese and ham. (I made an INCREDIBLE sandwich for lunch today and was very pleased with my shopping effort.) I successfully resisted all ready meals, snacks and junk food ✔ mainly because I was conscious of spending money at all, and that I have a voucher for Old Favourite. Since Mr Nice Mechanic told me I should give it a good drive to get the brakes nice and hot, I am considering driving down today and spending part of that voucher.

Also in work news we will be switched over to four-weekly pay instead of weekly. I am really displeased about this development. There is no date set for it just yet but it's a matter of time. Blondie could see how worried I am about this, and tried to tell me I should opt in now so that I get a choice on when it starts... and he is right in theory, but it really won't make a difference, because no matter what day they start it, I will have three weeks of not being able to pay bills at all. I simply don't have the cash cushion there to cover bills for a month while my pay is not coming in. The best I can hope is that it's not for a few months and I can possibly do a money transfer off a credit card to tide me over (£££).

In the mean time I'm doing surveys...

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