Saturday 22 February 2020

Ho Hum

Well, yet again there were only three of us meeting for coffee, so I'm a bit bummed and wondering whether to even bother arranging a next time. There were four "yes" and one "maybe" who did not show up... I guess it was the weather, but still, a bit frustrating for those that came along and didn't have a lot to talk about!

I survived my extra day at work ok. I say that now but ask me again on the third day running when I've got to get up to do it all again. A good-bad thing did happen at work today though:

This. Waste. Is. Criminal. And it only shows you the stuff I brought home - there was a fair amount of half-eaten and opened food that I didn't retrieve.

It's good because SCORE. Also because I had about 2 teaspoons left of coffee and had completely forgotten it was running out, and after coming home exhausted, having to go out and buy coffee tonight would have completely pissed me off. So, I guess it's a thank you to the universe for the haul.

Enfoodenation: Like the picture (£12.65)

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