Wednesday 26 February 2020

Staring At Rocks

It's like a waterfall, I swear. First I got aluminium foil, plastic wrap, eggs, oven chips, peanut butter, a bread roll and cinnamon bagels. Then work #2 got me bread, milk, fruit, yogurt, desserts, croissants, crisps, blueberries, fruit snack things and ready meals. Freezer tetris time.

This is Amphibolite.
Kid #2 has managed to get some hours at my work which is good news. I'm not so sure about his enthusiasm for working with his mother.

Free kitchening (lots), yellow stickers (£1.00 off)

I have reached my February goal on day 24 and I haven't even counted in the overtime earnings yet.

I am currently in the middle of an excruciating 45 minute study which so far seems to consist entirely of "looking at pictures of rocks".  The things we do in the name of science. (And cash.) And I think this is a good reflection of my current mood. "Staring at rocks."

I miss having enthusiasm and waking up happy. Most days I am on autopilot, going through the dreary motions, thinking that eventually this mood will pass. I missed something incredibly important this week and I'm just so disappointed in myself. Even the view of the sea isn't making me happy and I'm wishing I could just crawl into a hole where nobody can see me.

This blog has been so boring lately, only posting about mundane groceries, but that's my life. Filled with nothing but blah and "I don't want to". Don't ask me anything, because I don't want to. Do anything, see anything, talk about anything. Whatever it is. Don't read this. Oh, too late.

I'm not feeling worse, but I definitely wish this fog would hurry up and leave.

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