Friday 7 February 2020

Irrational Guilt

Me, that is, in saying no to extra shifts that I can't do in the first place because I'll be at my other job. It makes about as much sense as feeling guilty when you see a police car when you haven't done anything wrong! (Which is still something that happens to me.)

I also shouldn't feel guilty at wanting two days off work each week, but it still happens. I think it was because I accepted everything last week and was exhausted, spent almost no time with my son, and then got annoyed at bringing it all on myself. In an effort to be more organised, I've volunteered to work a regular, recurring extra shift and I will attempt to remind myself that this is Enough (capital E).

For some reason I forgot to schedule this post to actually go live - which is why it's late. It's been a blur of a week!

Free from work: punnet of strawberries, 2x baby plum tomatoes, 2x sandwiches and a bunch of chrysanthemums (£3.00 worth).

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