Thursday 26 November 2020

Boring Person, that is. I keep mentally yelling at survey invites to just go away. Consequently I've done almost none this month, keep your eyes peeled for a big fat zero come the first of December.

Four more days of work and I get a week off. I am then back for a week and then off again for long-awaited surgery (you don't want details trust me, suffice to say it's minor).

I am getting disillusioned at the flat. Still waiting for replies from the bank. The silly thing is that as it stands, I know that I won't start paying for the roof until 2022 at the earliest, and I know it'd be something I can afford at the time, but without the documentation on what it's costing and a time frame, this looming issue will cause all kinds of hell if/when I want to sell this place. I would actually be on track to pay the CC and roof off in about two years - assuming I keep working 30+ hours - so with new carpets and decorating, I might actually want to sell it in 2022-2023 and would be annoyed if I can't ask a decent amount because of a still-looming, much-delayed roof repair. The disillusionment is because this flat is 40k and there is nothing on the market under 65k right now... yes I said nothing... I would be a nutcase to not stick this out.

Sampled today: Sausage Roll crisps. Edible, taste like pastry, but not worth paying for.

Freebies: jaffa cakes, chocolate orange, more of the standard stuffs like fruit and salads.

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Flat Update

So it has finally arrived, that is, the solicitor's report on what's happening so far. Lots of documents hit me at once. The flat is evidently a mortgagee-in-possession sale and there is a paper trail indicating the flat was empty for a year. The previous owner was an 81-year-old widow and I would think she is either deceased or has moved into care. But the fact that I'm now dealing with a bank as the seller makes life a complete headache. Most of the solicitor's enquiries are met with answers of "we don't know" from the building manager or "please ask the freeholder" (which is a bank - which likewise will not know the answer as they never lived there).

The managing agent has not even done more than hint about the roof repair. They formally informed all residents of their intent to get quotes on the roof back in April - I already know they got quotes before this! - and despite stating to residents that a month later they'd announce the successful tender, that doesn't seem to have happened, nor are there any actual amounts stated nor any attempt to start the work. They vaguely said that residents would pay an extra £500 in fees next year, which clearly doesn't add up to a £60,000 roof repair. I've asked my solicitor to chase it but what a pain in the backside to have to ask for paperwork when they obviously know it's of interest to a buyer and they have no reason to withhold it...

Eh. I miscounted my days of work in a row. It was 16. Wiped out. I already know that this one day off will not be enough. But hey, what else would I be doing with my days apart from maybe lie about in a hot bath, do my laundry, or you know, wash my dishes? I really need to see the bottom of my sink again and eat something other than free sandwiches and meat pies.

Tuesday 10 November 2020


So my solicitor (in her cone of silence) has never kept me abreast of what's happening. I had expected to exchange this week, and when I asked about an exchange date, only then does she decide to tell me that she has had to order searches from scratch as neither purchaser ever did them. This means we're looking at an extra two to three weeks.

Thanks for letting me know. Meh.

I am working 13 days straight because I am incapable of saying no. Last night I unexpectedly got an email that we're getting a 10% bonus again over Christmas; this is welcome news, but I'm going to feel like I earned it! The humans just Do.Not.Stop and anyone would think they consider it necessary to shop and inhale more food just because we're locked down. Not to mention the idiots who think it's funny to steal and to hurl empty bottles at the shop window.

On the plus side, I have a pie for dinner and haven't bought any Coke since the 3 cases ran out.

I have learned that new carpet for my new flat will cost me about £440, which is good news. I will need about £1000 for new heating, if the one in there isn't useful - the EPC indicates no heating, but there's some kind of heater clearly visible in the pictures, which tells me that the assessor probably never even visited the flat... no wonder the EPC is so terrible, maybe there is hope yet that I might get it up into the E range after all.

Friday 6 November 2020

Current Level Of Tired:

I just installed the Blogger app in order to stay lying down rather than sit at my pc.

Yesterday was the last day before lockdown and I managed to get a long-overdue cut. The lady declared she couldn't do any shaving. She eventually agreed to try, and did a gorgeous short chopped undercut pixie for me. I am loving it. Her first ever and it's perfect 👌.

No news on an exchange date for my flat. Searches are all done... I think. I guess I just wait to hear what's next?

Work is now sort of odd now that we are back in lockdown. It's definitely less busy than last week, just the constant trickle of customers with their baskets full of "one, just in case". Big stores have had shelves stripped of toilet paper and pasta... again... but we are doing just fine. Boris reckons it is only for a month. I suspect it will be more like another six.

Sunday 1 November 2020

October Earnings

£10 SnapMyEats (I forgot to redeem this in September... see, I told you there was one)

PA £5.48

Storewards £2.00

Because I missed so much work due to that lurgy, I've been saying yes to all the overtime I can get. Yesterday I worked 8am until 11.15pm. This morning, I got up after 7 hours of sleep, ate breakfast and then thought I'd have a nap. I woke up six hours later!!! Obviously a bit of a waste of my one day off, but it seems like I needed the sleep. 

We are going back into lockdown. I already have more OT lined up and who knows what happens next... the store started getting busy even when the lockdown was just a rumour.

My main idiotic bank has locked one card and still can't get itself together to send out the other one. #standard really!