Saturday 11 September 2021

Derpina Here

I even look like Derpina.
During the week I decided to buy myself a cheap padlock for the gym lockers, from eBay. Being my usual derpy self, I've ordered one far too small. So, seeing the bigger ones were only £5 from the gym vending machine, I merrily selected my item and looked down to realise I had purchased... not a padlock, but a gym entry keyfob. Well. I suppose it's lucky I was thinking about one of those anyway... derp again. Bought locker padlock successfully then got changed for my workout.

I reasoned that having walked up the incredibly steep cliff pathway to get home yesterday, it would not be a wise idea to push myself too hard at the gym. (Can I just add here that I looked up at the horror of the cliff pathway, steeled myself for absolute agony in climbing it, and was pleasantly surprised not to find it as awful as expected? My fitness is clearly picking up.)

But anyway, I could definitely feel it in my calves today and I had decided to only walk on the treadmill. But did I? Nope. After walking ten minutes I felt loosened up ok, and figured I'd do the walk-run repeat I usually do. So I went into my usual slow jog, and by usual slow jog I mean start jogging, be desperate for air after ten seconds and finally stumble back into a walk after 45 seconds. Well, I made it to 75 seconds each time and that is a record for me. It was a slow 5k but I still got my 5k in.

I am sure that tomorrow I'll feel crippled with sore muscles, because well, because derp.

Derpina then came out to the car and realised she hadn't eaten dinner and, well, a McDonalds was had. Why did I even go to the gym again?

Spendy McSpenderson: A dashcam and memory card. 

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