Tuesday 7 September 2021

Forward Marching

I have escaped the plague lurgy... for now.

I made a list of eleven things I should do on my day off. I've done... one. Writing a blog post was not in the list, by the way, but I'm the master of procrastination. (I paused here, like a good procrastinator, and I've now checked off four items.)

Went to the beach: another check.

Since September marks the second month running that I've forgotten to post my monthly extra earnings, I'm just going to stop. They're very low now because I've lost interest in a lot of them and I'm often working six days a week (such as the last two). This week I went to Sister Store and looked after their bakery for the morning, which is much busier than ours, but it was a nice change to just roll my sleeves up and do my thing. Demiboss called me today and tried to get me to work at Other Sister Store. I think it's the first time I've ever answered "No" so quickly and with such conviction 😂

Dinner: Thai green curry ready meal.

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