Friday 21 January 2022

Modern Musings

Today, being unwilling to waste an hour filling a bath, I decided to take the plunge (or not-plunge) and just use the shower. Long story short, I have a too-hot, unadjustable, head-disconnected fountain hose, and got water all over the floor for good measure. Unsurprisingly I've just broken my Freeganuary pledge again and spent a few pounds on eBay to rectify the lack of a curtain.

But after all that, it was nice to get clean in ten minutes flat 😂

Today: actually blowing that Freeganuary pledge out of the water, as I spend £20 of vouchers I was given for Christmas. Perhaps I can be kind on myself, and say it's not, because the vouchers were free and I haven't been shopping for three weeks. The hard part will be staying vegan in my purchases. I will also need to spend a few actual pounds of money in order to get change for the coin-operated washing machines.

Dinner: something involving the chipolata sausages defrosting in my fridge (£0.00). I am thinking a casserole with carrots and potatoes. My senses of taste and smell are still not quite right, so I'm not feeling very adventurous just yet.

I did actually apply for the temporary cashier role at Old Supermarket Chain, in my nearest store. They haven't replied yet.

Goodies from another Olio'er: chicken wraps, spinach & feta pastries, and a chocolate-chip cookie dough dessert... thing. I still don't know what it was and I've nuked and eaten it already. I think it was ok? The supermarket seemed to think it's worth £3.00 so I guess they're popular 😂

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