Wednesday 12 January 2022

Must've Been Me

The leak that is, well not me, but my cylinder. Since it's been isolated and turned off, the puddle has ceased to be a puddle and is now a wet patch of carpet which stubbornly stays wet due to the neighbours stubbornly closing the front door every time I stubbornly try to air the hallway.

To be fair I haven't tried many times as I've been isolating due to Covid. I didn't have a severe case, but my dawg it is lingering and driving me insane. Tomorrow is Freedom Day and I intend to visit a supermarket, just not my own since that would be weird while still on sick leave. My sick leave is legit, since I am still coughing, sound awful, am breathless and I'm as weak as a kitten, but if I don't leave this flat I will go bananas.

My electric shower, while Not Great, does work. I can live with that. I could afford to get the cylinder replaced straight away (or even get a better shower) but I'm still pondering the money situ and what I want to do first. 

Good: permanent weekly pickup from my old store. Sadly it is an evening when I am very likely to see Annoying Face instead of Work Bestie.

Unexpected: that Annoying Face continues to call and text me when she needs help with things. I now wonder whether AF somehow thinks that we are... friends. Why? I don't think I like this idea.

Lovely: that the others call me for help now and then. One called me tonight for help with the coffee machine, one called me for help locking the sticky door, one texts and calls every now and then to try to convince me to return. They've advertised my role three times now and still can't fill it. But even so I am not sure Boss Lady would want me back, as she would probably say that I hadn't put proper effort in for my last few months there, and I'd only want back if I knew I had two cashiers with me on each shift. Strongly tempted to go back not to Old Supermarket but in a sister store, and only part-time, as a mere cashier. With a firm resolve not to run shifts, unless they'd care to pay me a premium. We'll see.

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