Friday 14 January 2022

The World Turns

I got out of the house yesterday and walked around the block, then had a bath. I'm not sure which one did me in, but that was it for the day, all energy gone. Still, I am calling it a victory that I got around the block.

I've depleted a lot of my fresh stuff, and have kind of determined to make this a no-spend January. I accidentally messed it up by buying a cooking thermometer for £3.00 off eBay, and there was no choice but to buy fuel tonight. But nothing else has been bought. This is Veganuary for me with a twist - Freeganuary. I will eat meat and meat products but not buy them. Wasting them would be even worse, an animal giving this to us and we just bin it...

So far, so good. There is a pack of bacon in my fridge defrosting for tomorrow and I will eat it with the goodies I picked up from Olio tonight from another collector: potato salad, a green salad, and cherry tomatoes from my fridge. I also got myself a baguette and a pack of bread rolls, which I'll freeze. And a bonus tzatziki plus some mini apple pies 😍 Tomorrow is my own pickup, so I hope the universe presents me with some milk and fruit. I am currently using up my store of long-life milk, which is neither tasty nor economical. Going forward, I'll try coconut milk again. And maybe rice milk. Watch this space.

Weird: workmen turned up yesterday and spent the entire day hacking the whole front hedge back. None of the directors know anything about this, nobody authorised or requested it, so we think we just got a freebie 😂

Roof is nearly finished! Just needs the skylights, new guttering, and the top section cleaned and painted. Cross fingers. At least this part is coming out of our existing funds. My latest pay was better than expected though, which means I won't have any problems for the foreseeable.

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