Sunday 16 January 2022

Not As Expected

My Olio collection. No chilled items at all. I came away with two bags of pears, a baguette and some pastries. I considered it such a skint collection that I even kept the Soreen bars which I don't even like. I suppose it was worth the few pounds of fuel but only just, and I can think of better weekly highlights than making small talk with Annoying Face, especially when Poppet wasn't there as I had expected her to be.

I suppose I will have to put more effort into checking other peoples' listings each night, although they very rarely put chilled items up, and proper protein turns up even less often. Tonight the only things I saw were a vegan wrap and some falafel, both of which I would have happily eaten but neither of which were worth driving for.

The hunt is on for another evening collection.

One more day to decide whether I apply to work at the nearest branch of Old Supermarket.

Stop Press: Absolutely gobsmacked to have received a call from Podengo market research (not an affiliate link - I don't get anything if you click/join). I don't even remember signing up for this - it must have been years ago - but I routinely just ignored their emails as they're only "traditional" market research meaning you apply and then have to wait and see if you're selected. Well, I filled in a couple of forms and I've been selected! 2h zoom call coming this week about tv viewing habits, and £50 for the trouble. Not bad!

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