Sunday 12 March 2023

Like Sands Through The Hourglass

So Too Are The Coins Of My Bank. I mean, they fall through my hands like grains of sand? I don't know.

Expensive medical trip: done. Hopefully the last one. While I was there I still managed to spend a lot of money thanks to a missed flight, a cancelled flight and a third flight with a very late landing (grrr, why are convenience stores so horrible?). I also, erm, bought a ticket to go and see Kasabian at The Eden Project. I think I'm fed up of never leaving my house, which was basically the entire past twelve months, so I've decided to live a little bit. But this also reminds me, they just sent me a reminder that it's coming up time to renew my yearly pass and I still haven't been! I'm tossing up going tomorrow, we'll see.

Good Boss still didn't fix my hours for last week so I intend to do overtime this week... what's he really going to say? I don't think I should have to ask a fourth time. He's jeopardising his name here.

I am currently very pleased by the extension to the NI-top-up deadline (which was coming up on April 1st). Having not worked here many years I am only in line for a small pension, but I can top up the first year that I was here, and this gives me several months before that money is due. 👌

Dinner: who has the energy for that?

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