Monday 6 March 2023

Spring Springs

The sun has been out lately and I have spent a little bit of time in my garden, pottering about. I have a few empty pots and I'm just waiting for the right time to plant something cheery.

Work has finally confirmed my payrise and while it will be over the minimum wage, it's by the exact same amount as before... meaning it's an effective pay cut in real terms, because of inflation. I have mixed feelings because they at least went over the minimum, but I have to admit I was hoping for a little bit more. I haven't been successful so far at the cleaning jobs I've applied for. I will have to keep at the applications as soon as my trip is over.

I knew it was coming, but once again (this is a broken record) it's almost time for my loan repayment and there isn't enough money in my current account. Le sigh. I've cashed out three survey programs for a total of £27 and need another £40 in the next six days. As always, there are places I can round it up from, a bit like the virtual forgotten coins in a sofa, but I have to admit it's tiresome, and the recurring issue needs to be fixed... with... more income.

So I am eyeing the overtime website like a hawk and wondering how daring I can be considering I know that Good Boss's March budget is already blown. He played a practical joke on me this week (he, Blondie and Big Boss all told me I was two hours late as I arrived at work on time... I was horrified to think I'd misread my rota and let them all down!) so maybe I deserve to get back at him by sneaking into work for a few hours on my day off. 😏

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