Wednesday 5 July 2023

Do You Remember

...when I said that work looked like they were planning to train me some more? Well, lately I've been... running the shop floor. That's it. Which is what I was doing for them a year ago. I've asked over and over for more training and I might as well be talking to a wall. Big Boss insists that he's in the process of arranging it, but meanwhile, one of the other guys has completely finished his... and the other is half-way through. It's infuriating and annoying, but I am more disappointed than surprised. Star, at least, showed me a couple of admin-y things, but it went past me in a blur of menus and there's no way I could repeat the process myself without someone guiding me.

Also, I wore my new lovely black fitted maternity top to work (thank you eBay) and on the first day I was stopped by my manager asking if I need to order uniform? Waaaah. The last pregnant lady was somehow allowed to just wear black and several not-pregnant staff members even get away with that permanently. But me, apparently, I need to attempt a uniform order for the third time, just for the privilege of wearing a horrible green frilly thing instead. Booo. Hopefully if I keep my work jacket on over it, they'll forget to do the paperwork like usual.

I managed to give away the spare pram and car seat, my midwife found someone who needed them, so that was a feelgood moment for today. I also swung by Food Club and bought a bunch of tins I really don't need, but also some lovely pastries, fresh vegies and nice snacks. I even stayed for a piece of lemon cake, which was amazing.

Spendy: went to buy a cucumber plant but evidently it's too late as they had very little in the way of food plants left at the local nursery. I came home with a 50cm tall snack pepper plant though for a fiver 😊

Tonight: Supper club again with the other expecting ladies.

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