Sunday 2 July 2023

Clothing Fail

So NONE of the clothing I just bought will be at all useful. All items are too small. I am really quite annoyed as it means begging for a refund (I was so distracted by the malfunctioning self scan that I uncharacteristically forgot to keep my receipt). I'm sure they will allow me to just switch the t-shirts for larger sizes if there is no other option, but the bras, well, all we ladies know that the right size on paper doesn't mean it will fit you properly.

Anyway, I de-frustrated myself somewhat by spending a similar amount on eBay for some actual dedicated maternity tops. Even if these are too small later on, they should touch-wood fit me for now.

The Guardian had an article this week on how to save money where it comes to children's toys. I decided to see whether I could learn anything, and of course there were the standards like shopping second hand and using hand-me-downs. But to my surprise the biggest money-saving tip was nowhere to be found: the one that says "buy less, because your kids don't need most of that crap". I have a couple of rattles, some building blocks, and a brand new teether (all found at minimal cost or free) and now all I want is some stacking cups and stacking rings. I am actively avoiding everything else, at least for now.

Work is... well Dunstan AKA "Duh" is continuing his rampage of duh, his utter disinterest in anything "customer" and his complete disregard for important rules, such as not selling razor blades to small children. He is no longer just a cheery halfwit, he's begun to be seen as the staffs' arch nemesis as they catch him wasting time and screwing up, and realise they'll have to fix his mistakes and pick up his slack. Meanwhile, Duh wanders around oblivious and seems genuinely baffled that people don't adore him.

Spendy: Well, I spent the ticket money months ago, but last night I went to see Kasabian in concert and they were brilliant! I did spend a bit in petrol and on a nice picnic dinner (still budget items of course) but I had a thoroughly great evening.

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