Sunday 30 July 2023

Snacktime: Scuppered

I put off going to Food Club for a day, and just my luck, work then changed my hours so that I couldn't visit Food Club this week at all. It's no real drama, I'll just have to attempt to not buy snack food 😁 I decided yesterday to bake some lemon muffins, but I threw in some bicarb and they are definitely not a taste sensation. I might make some custard and have them warm with that.

On the plus side, today work had a huge pile of eggs past their sell-by date, so for the princely sum of 72p (onto the credit card...) I have brought home two dozen eggs. I really did not need any more eggs right now, but I am looking at it as a stash for my fridge. I can't afford to pass up a bargain like that since right now I'm skinter than skint.

I haven't spent time with Blondie in ages as we've each been off work and he's changed his working pattern. I got to have a great natter with him today, which was really nice. I also had a great catch-up with Pipsqueak and we actually shared some decent laughs for almost an hour. These are the interactions that I must remember next time that Dunstan excels himself in sheer unadulterated idiocy... or, as has been the case lately, in off-the-scale arrogance that gets him yet another demerit. People are now astounded that he's still got a job at all. Watch this space.

I managed to reach cashout on YouGov, which pays directly into my bank account within one working day, so I might, just might cover bills for the week. I've been keeping Prolific open in my downtime and jumping on every study which shows up, and also spending time on Branded Surveys. I've got about four days to find the last £20 without having to resort to a credit card cash advance, so fingers crossed.

Neighbours from #8 have given me a lovely bunch of flowers today 😊

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