Friday 17 November 2023

Best Things

Trigger warning: emojis.

A pregnant woman's
perfect accessory.
What's the best thing to do while you wait for a baby to arrive? Sanding, scrubbing and painting. Just kidding, I don't recommend it, but the wall is now primed and this is an enormous improvement from its awful patchwork mess. It's creamy white with pink streaks showing through now.

I also took advantage of work's special staff discount day, and didn't really buy much at all, about £30 worth. It doesn't make sense to stock up on things that will take more than 3-4 months to use, when that money would be more effective tackling the interest on my debts. But I did get to spend a bit of time with Good Boss and even Mogwai, who is a whole different kiddo, well-respected and actually Getting Shit Done™. It's heartening to see.

Mine looks like this one, but
patterned, and think smaller.
Also: think uglier.
I wasn't able to find a decent single armchair for sitting with kidlet, but I did find a tiny two-seater sofa which isn't much bigger. Obviously I paid over the odds for it 😒 but delivery was a flat fee for three items, so I also bought a storage wardrobe, for storing lots of crap. They are happily in place and I'm very pleased (although I have sacrificed space in general, to hide more clutter).

Still waiting for direct debit payments to come out, so that I know they are working in my burner account before I switch. Speaking of payments, yesterday my Universal Credit advance arrived, £360 😲 much to my shock. I have put it to work, some on bills, and the rest plonked onto my poison-ivy credit card. I felt really accomplished. 😊 

Then UC made a new appointment at a different town, one full of hills and empty of all parking, for right when baby arrives, at the time that I'm busy with, you know, being a post-natal mess and not sleeping. I told the work coach that walking miles with a (probably) two-day-old newborn is a problem. He's now made it three days later. I'm clearly dealing with an idiot. Oh how I have missed the joy of dealing with the benefits shit-show. 😂

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