Saturday 4 November 2023

Check, Check, Check

✔ hospital bag finished

✔ checklist done for last minute baby stuffs

✔ car seat and pram in car ready

✔ kidlet corner finished and set up, moses basket ready, nappy changing station sorted

✔ large amounts of scented "fabric refresher" in use on somewhat unfragrant shampooed carpet

✔ bathroom cleaned

✔ kitchen mopped and mat washed

✔ surprise tax refund from job #2 of £20. Yes thanks, considering bills this week were tight

...and I must admit there's a sort of relief for most of these, although there are still random piles of "stuff" in my living space which I really don't have a place for, which is frustrating. Those, plus the necessary things (including my exercise ball, for the moment) take up pretty much the entire space. Ideally I need a second wardrobe for storage, which is money I shouldn't really spend - even if I do find one second-hand. We shall see.

Midwife did indeed brush off the baby's weight gain. She has also acknowledged that the current "negotiated" Plan of Attack™ by the hospital is too-little-too-late to actually meet my wants and needs, so she has added some things in to (cross fingers) try to get things going sooner rather than later. This is absolutely the best I could hope for, so, here's hoping.

Currently eating pineapple, which is supposed to be a good idea. Spendy: a small tripod for my phone (£3).

How to save money: Know vaguely that your windows are a huge heat loss area (last year you bought that small radiator to put right there, under your knees, because it was colder than the rest of the flat). Notice (during the huge storm this week) that your curtains are moving, and realise that the wind is coming through their probably-craptastic seals. Go to the Screwfix website (other hardware sites are available) and find a great price on a roll of replacement self-adhesive rubber window seals. Pat self on the back as you place it in your cart, then think, hey, I should just quickly check that I'll be able to fit this. Climb up on your pc desk (irresponsibly, since you're nine months pregnant) and yes, you can feel the wind coming in, an alarming amount of it. Open window, examine frame, think "yes", then latch it, and discover in annoyance that the stupid thing is able to be locked "shut" while open half an inch. Pulled properly, it closes just fine. Ditto on the other window. Smack forehead at own idiocy.

Trash your shopping cart, having spent nothing.

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