Tuesday 28 November 2023

Hello World!

Little X and I are getting to know one another. That's a phrase I never would have used with my first two - I think like most young people I viewed the newborn stage as a whirlwind to endure, a hell time of sleeplessness and misery that you just somehow hope to emerge from in the end.

But this time? It's been entirely different. Whether that's down to knowledge, experience or just age, this time I know what she's communicating to me and I have more than enough patience. We've had a couple of feeding and sleeping challenges (to be expected) but honestly she is a typical baby, and she is also lovely 😍

Today I have felt organised enough to try a reusable nappy for the first time. Disposables have been a good choice for our first week at home, especially since they were given to me free by Food Club, but I'm hoping to only need them for outings from here on. Incidentally the reusables seem a much better fit! 

It's a good thing I was given all her newborn clothes for free. She's too big for them and is in the next size up - which I also have tons of. People in this world are good and have given all the clothes she needs.

I had yet another episode of outgrowing my bra... this is the fifth time for those playing along at home... to the point where I couldn't even wear my latest one. Beyond ridiculous, and to be frank, completely shit while trying to establish breastfeeding. But being unable to drive plus really not in a fit state to bus it, meant no real options. Well you know what they say, necessity is the mother of invention, so my crafty self cut an old bra and made an extender. It's not a perfect solution but it's a damned improvement on none 😁

I'm almost through my stash of ready meals and I've apparently timed it well, as I'm feeling more human and able to cook or even walk to the shops. The plan is to empty one freezer for defrosting. Let's see how that goes.

Currently waiting for Universal Credit to get their shit together, watch this space. 

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