Thursday 23 May 2019

Bad Behaviour

The weight loss is getting harder (or maybe I'm becoming lazier). I find myself maniacally craving carbs, which is very annoying when there isn't really snack food in the house. Twice in a row last week I went and bought a "meal deal" because I was desperate for a sandwich - how ridiculous is my life lmao?!

So I stupidly walked into the bread section today to get half a loaf, and came away with these, which while great value, are not very low-carb diet-friendly. As punishment, the caramel-choc hot cross buns are not delicious. But anyway, I've put the donuts in the freezer and the buns will be my daily afternoon snacks.

I also might have already eaten three biscuits today... and a pot noodle... and not had either proper breakfast or lunch...

I'm noticing a few niggles health-wise which are probably down to the very low calories, which I've been following a bit longer than I probably should. It's frustrating because I am not yet at my goal weight, but this might force me to take a week or two off. I'll think about it.

I added an extra item today in the shopping which was totally non-essential - caramel sauce for £1.40. As further punishment, I was £1.35 short of paying the whole lot in cash and had to whip out the card. Still, I lasted quite a while (and there are some more coins at home).

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