Sunday 5 May 2019

General Badassery

Completely unrelated to being frugal... today I will write about my New Body Regime™.

I always have an alarm set every day. Once I am up, I try to chill for a bit with milky coffee and social media, because brain does not function in the first hour.

Breakfast is muesli with added bran, a very small portion in a very small bowl, and I have it with 1/3 of a cup of protein shake and milk (this is not a diet shake, it's me increasing my protein intake).

Lunch is salad, no dressing. It contains at least carrot batons, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and some kind of fruit. Then some beans, broccoli, mange tout or something else green.

In the afternoon I have some kind of 100 calorie snack (muesli bar, cake or a couple of biscuits).

Dinner is protein and more vegetables - a casserole, or chicken curry, or an omelette and veggies, and maybe with an added protein shake. There's coffee all day... not oodles of it, but always with oodles of milk :)

8-10 hours per week on a treadmill walking. It's my chill out time, Netflix and shutting out the world. I love it - and that's someone who has hated exercise all her life!

Total intake per day is about 800-1000 calories. So this is what's called VLC (very low calorie) and is also low-carb - I mostly avoid bread, potatoes, rice and pasta. I take vitamins every day, plus omega-3, calcium and glucosamine.

I am dropping about 2-3kg per week (4-7lb). My job gives me the flexibility to do all that treadmill time. I enjoy it and this arrangement works for me. As I'm low carb, I don't feel hungry or shaky. But it's not a balanced diet when the calories are this low (hence all the pill-popping) and once I reach my goal weight I will increase the food I eat.

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