Sunday 22 September 2019

DWP Repayment, Negotiated

So when I was on a super-low income and enquired about Housing Benefit, I was redirected to a Universal Credit application. Long story short, although I basically got virtually zero benefits due to my "high" income (roll eyes), I did qualify to take out a cash advance and used it on bills. Well why not? Interest-free and all.

Obviously when you are getting no benefits, the money can't be deducted, so they sent a letter asking me to make an arrangement to repay it.

Based on my last pay packet they wanted £70 paid back per month! I told them it wasn't possible (I am reasonably sure my income will stay healthy, but there are no guarantees when you're on a 20h contract). They ended up accepting £20 per month, which is now set up as a standing order. I'm calling that a win, essentially they gave me a £500 loan over 2½ years, interest-free.

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