Monday 2 September 2019


Up, up, up goes the credit rating, woo!

There's a lovely little cottage for sale that I've fallen in love with. Obviously, it's months too early and far too expensive, but I can still wanna...

In the meantime I am going to the auctions as a spectator, just to see if the advertised prices are really the sorts of numbers that people are willing to pay.

An ad on the radio is currently repeating the phrase "Pay Day, Save Day". The theory is that if you put the savings aside immediately, you don't miss it. I'm not sure if that is a good idea for me... I have realised belatedly that there was an upcoming bill I'd forgotten, and fortunately it's small, because if it was big, the money just wouldn't be there. So it would work, if you actually save into an account that allows withdrawals when you have a dumb moment!

Dumb moment #1: realising that for some odd reason, the council has not been debiting the council rates via their standing order (it says "£0.00, Not Paid"). I found out via a late notice in the mail. Ended up catching up via credit card. No harm done, just slightly annoyed that I advance paid into my loan when I could have paid a bill instead! And the card will be zeroed on payday anyway.

Caravan now listed on eBay... but it's a classified ad which seems to make it near-on impossible to arrange the sale itself, because giving out my phone number is not allowed. Very odd. Oh well, no longer any mad rush to sell since there's no site fee refund anymore.

I have been given half a dozen free range eggs from the lady at work's chickens :)

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