Saturday 28 September 2019

Bit Down

As the title says I am a little bit down in the dumps, I think because I've done so much money planning and money dreaming and property hoping, but most of the actual "doing" can't happen yet.

I had a look at my credit score on Equifax and it has gone up... what? I mean, I know why, my address has finally updated for two of my accounts (unlike on stupid Experian). I'm just surprised that it's risen despite the applications I've put in lately.

I also found an incorrect address in there on both places, listing me as flat 2 instead of flat 5 from when I lived in Exeter. This might explain some knock-backs for personal loans back when I was trying to buy my car, grrrr. I've put disputes in to both Equifax and Experian.

As for balance transfers in general, I am struggling to find any bills to pay off... having spare money in my hands is not entirely a bad thing, but hey ho.

Going to a property viewing soon for a 2br flat. I won't be in the market to really buy anything for another six months, but even so, I'm interested to see what my money will buy one day.

Currently eating: leftover sandwiches (free).

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