Friday 13 September 2019

Van Viewings

I've showed two potential buyers through the van. First lot seemed sort of interested, but no offer. The second has declared a pretty low amount he's interested in paying, but on the plus side he was really lovely to chat with and understands I'm not under any pressure to take silly offers. Then the agent called me and is showing another potential buyer through the caravan tomorrow - I nearly fell off my chair merely because they contacted me - hoping this one goes well as the agent still has it listed at the higher sale price and there might be a deal to be done halfway between the two amounts.

With the sale of the van, I will be in a comfortable place money-wise. It will take me six months for the recent credit card searches to move off my credit report, which I am actually thinking of as "refinancing" - because even though they're credit cards, they are cheaper finance than the current cost of my car loan. So the last six months was me getting my ducks in a row, I'm now steady on my feet, and the next six months will be me moving forward. All going to plan, that's when I should be able to apply and get a mortgage on a small flat.

My current most fascinating read was by a lady who spent seven years saving up to buy herself a fixer-upper property rather than taking out a mortgage. She reasoned that she'd be spending half as much in total by waiting, and saving. She's sort of right... because she was looking at the interest that mortgages charge... the difficulty is that we're paying rent in the meantime! My own rent is very low however, so I'll take advantage of that as long as I can and then hopefully only borrow 50-60%. We will see.

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