Monday 23 May 2022

Bargain Food! What?

So Rose-Boss offered the remaining reductions to us at 10p each. GET IN! I do enjoy a BLT after going to the gym 😂 (kill me now). I even got my staff discount on that lot, and Ninja laughed at my hefty 27p purchase.

Speaking of Rose-Boss (the lady who first chatted to me at the job centre) I found out that after our first chat she went straight to our store manager, and said, "We're having her. You need to hire her. I don't care. I want her." 😍 But this week she declared in front of several of the other cashiers... "Because she's got management experience in a supermarket and Rusty-Boss will be moving to Spain in September for his gap year." 😕

Er what? I can only imagine what they thought of that, but no, this idea/plan had not been discussed with me. Since the day I started, till is the ONLY thing I do. Talking me up in front of hard-working more-experienced colleagues is a recipe for awkwardness. While I'm on a roll, I got nominated for a staff award by management, which made Grumpy Smurf really bloody furious about not getting nominated. Dude, if you'd take the lemon out of your mouth and stop hating everything on this planet, you would find that people actually think you do a great job.

I am in a weird Twilight Zone in regards to Rusty's role. Sister Store has a trainee named Blondie who has told me he thinks he'll be transferring into the role. Fait Accompli. But now the application deadline has been extended by another month, which suggests "not enough applicants" or that they haven't found a good match. I hate that I'm even considering this. It's 40h a week on your feet. It's also really good pay. Urgh. Pondering that shitty trick of applying even if I don't plan to accept. Vaguely wondering if Rose was trying to hint at me. Paranoia.

I have emailed HR to ask if this company ever does job-sharing.

Spendy McSpenderson: £12 on a new pair of jeans (my current ones, which I wear to work, are wearing out in the crotch, in the way that jeans infuriatingly do). I have also booked the removalist to empty my storage tomorrow, so that will cost me, plus some Coke which I plan to give him as a thanks, since it will be warm tomorrow!

Winning: Ran at the gym again. 6x 1-minute runs. I'll get there eventually...

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