Tuesday 10 May 2022

Just Do Your Job

Yet again our block manager is just, well, not managing anything much at all. We asked for our basic yearly accounts and she ignored us, three times. Finally she lets us know the great news, she's going to get (one of our leaseholders, who OWES US MONEY) to do the books for free to save us some money!

WHAT. The Hell. No. Giving our private accounts to a third party... and it's someone who owes us money? Do we really think we'd get the accounting done honestly here... I'm sure that "his" outstanding large bills would miraculously be quite cheap once he had reviewed the accounts.

We politely told her "hell no" and she responded that we might need to pay a specialist accountant. There's nothing "special" about our books, they just aren't done, and what's more, this is included specifically in her fee. In writing. Why she thinks she doesn't need to do them is anyone's guess.

Currently pursuing other companies willing to take over our management, and one looks good, so, touch wood.

Because great things happen all at once there's a leak upstairs near the brand new skylight, from a weird water tank in a ceiling cupboard. Which nobody understands. We're now discussing whether to ask the "manager" to deal with it in the morning, or just accept that she's rubbish and get it sorted ourselves...

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