Sunday 8 May 2022

How To Get A Sunday Off Work

> be me
> sign yourself up for a ton of hours/days
> have a Big Boss who suddenly desperately needs help on a Friday evening and asks you to work a longer day than you had planned
> agree to do it if he takes you off the 6am Sunday shift
> profit?

Technically, I did profit, because I gained an hour of work, avoided an extra car trip, and can enjoy a day at home (priceless). I also win because the 6am Sunday shift would have entirely consisted of unloading stock, a task I won't in future need to do at all (because Good Boss) and now I don't have to do it even once. Win.

AND! It turned out that I was working late because Star had to do his Office Stuff™ and he can't be in the building alone and Star is cool and good company. It doesn't really feel like working when you're just doing general tidying of the store and chatting, so no complaints there.

Walked an hour in the gym tonight. Felt pretty shaky by 45min in but managed to stick it out and wobble myself to the hour mark. Felt a lot better after my shower though.

Currently enjoying enduring a chicken hot pot microwave dinner and a yummy glass of orange-passionfruit drink. 

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