Tuesday 20 June 2023


We have a new employee, who I'll call Dunstan, or Duh for short. Duh is a handsome young chap, but he was definitely blessed with too much attitude and not enough brains. In his opening three weeks, Duh has excelled with the following Career-Limiting Moves (and far more, but I've chosen the best):

  1. shown up for work in a ripped t-shirt with profanity on it, on his third day in the role, and felt this would be ok to serve customers in;
  2. given out a large, bulky item for free because he couldn't be bothered hefting it up and putting it through the till (Duh got his first demerit, that is, a warning);
  3. asked to go home because it was nice weather outside; when told no, suggested that he might just leave anyway.
Since Duh somehow thinks that I am ok, I suggested he be careful, considering he's on probation. It turns out that despite several warnings that he was in danger of having his probation ended, Duh didn't have a clue what probation is, that everyone starts on probation, or what happens if he gets another demerit (ie, he'd be out of a job). Cue the shocked face.

On the plus side, I've been running the floor now and then lately, and they finally seem to be vaguely thinking about giving me some additional training. Which I fully expect to get shelved/forgotten as my belly gets bigger, but for now, at least I have some variety and a bit of a challenge.

A few successful bids on eBay for more reusable nappies, for about a quarter of the retail price new. I hope they work well and that I can stick with them.

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