Monday 12 June 2023

Very Very Pleased

A kind lady gave me a bag of baby clothes - there are about a dozen items in there and they are in as-new condition. I was so, so pleased until I realised they are all summer items 😂 but that's ok, the vests will still be useful. I have also been to a clothing bank today and I am beyond happy with what I found. There were certain things I hoped might be there, but I got some nice surprises too. Three huge bags altogether. And currently sorting out the ⭐ two sleeping bags and large bag of reusable nappy bits ⭐ neither of which I actually expected to even find there and which are quite expensive to buy new. Some of the nappy wraps are too big for newborns, but it looks as though there will be about five-ish complete assemblies to start off with.

Not the set I brought home, but close.

I had a look through the toys and found a handful of board books, plus a bag of Duplo blocks which I will put aside - blocks are one of the few "colourful plastic crap" items I actually want my kiddo to get their hands on. I was pleased to find a good whack of muslins and also got hold of four small blankets.

Me being me, I timed it poorly and didn't spend as much time looking through as I would have liked, so I may visit again to search more thoroughly. There were no prams there today, but next time I might be luckier.

Cashed out: PaidViewPoint.

Best thing: I felt baby move today 😀

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