Thursday 10 August 2023


I still haven't been trained at work, and on the system it's listed as overdue. When I told Good Boss that he was running out of time, he started listing all the people who need that training and how he hasn't got time to scratch himself and how it's Big Boss to blame (but, Big Boss is unlikely to care, because the status quo is really not causing him any pain). I'm going to propose that they Delegate™ this into being the supervisors' task to complete. After all, they are best equipped to actually train us, but they'll have no interest or inclination or motivation to spend that time until Good Boss gets on their back and says it's a requirement.

I have received the maternity shirts that I ordered in Work Colour. The colour match is amazing, even if I do say so myself, and even Good Boss was impressed. I saved the company from sending me a second set of useless "official" clothing and he has agreed that he'll accept it as uniform.

I am awaiting my Mat B1 form in the mail so that I can formally notify Second Boss that I'm pregnant. Here's hoping they don't get weird and try to terminate me, because it'll be a right pain to have to argue my case over a 7h job, despite having been scored 96% at my last audit, which is outstanding. And it's worth £450 to me in holiday pay to stay on a years' maternity leave.

I have applied for Devon Home Choice, because evidently, despite "owning" this flat, I am classed as "severely overcrowded" for my circumstances and would qualify for a subsidised rental. This is still likely to mean a wait of several years due to how many are on the list ahead of me.

Bills all got paid this week ✔ so another round of successful adulting completed. Car has had a wash in the auto machine, because the grime was getting to me. 🚗 And of course it's now been shat on. Cheers, birds. 🐦🐤🐓🐥🐔

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