Wednesday 23 August 2023

Yeah And No

So work has gone back to giving me the same exact task every minute of every shift. I'm cramping up at night and sleeping terribly, and I think this is why. I don't have long to survive now - but if I catch Good Boss I might have a word. Star, however, has been kindly helping me complete my training checklist, after our closing shifts, even though it technically can only be done by Big Boss. I'm dutifully documenting what I am learning, and hoping that Big Boss just signs them off. Second Boss hasn't said a word about my risk assessment, and I am assuming it'll just never happen...

Inbox Pounds gave me manual credit for the farming game. And I've installed (yet another) Bingo game to earn some cash. It's trashy, noisy, cheesy and generally unpleasant, but thankfully doesn't have a time limit. Must motivate myself to play.

The subsidised rental scheme has asked for proof of my home valuation and mortgage. Um... so I have neither. Here's hoping they are satisfied with a copy of the original sale paperwork and the loan & credit card balances? Slightly annoying to say the least.

I have been really, really good at not shopping lately. I haven't bought takeaway or a grabbed lunch at work in quite a while. Yesterday I made a chicken and mushroom pasta sachet at work (and made my colleagues jealous) and today it will be cheese and broccoli. But on the flipside I haven't really cooked properly this week. Just not in the mood at 11pm after getting home.

I am pondering whether to visit Food Club this week. I partly reasoned that I didn't really need to go, but mostly I just haven't felt energised to visit on my way to work. There is plenty to eat in my house, if I would also find the energy to make proper meals!

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