Saturday 12 August 2023

I Want My Two Hours Back

I went to a pregnancy workshop today.

Good: bar of baby soap to take home

Bad: nothing social about this whatsoever. Started late, finished early, and was essentially an hour of people pushing their own businesses.

Ugly: one inconsiderate couple brought their toddler, who ran back and forth throughout the entire time across the wooden floors in a noisy, echoey room. It ruined the entire experience.

The "talkers" were a baby masseuse (just talked at us), a hypnobirthing teacher (babbler who is terrible at guided meditation), a yoga teacher (I really did not want to participate but I had to) and a doula (the most interesting by far). Unfortunately I did not hear any reasonable course prices at all.

The biggest annoyance is that I stayed until the end because of the "goody bags" that I could see, but they were, of course, 90% advertising papers that went in the bin.

As a consequence of not gaining anything particularly useful today I will consider looking up YouTube videos on all of these subjects, for free.

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