Sunday 6 August 2023


So for the past few weeks I've been asking a workmate if they want to come to Food Club (because, you know, if I've committed to picking her up that day then I can't get lazy and put it off). The problem is that the workmate kept putting it off due to not (yet) being skint for the month. But this week, the stars aligned and we'd both got to the point of Few Food Options in our flats, so we took a trip up today. We had even decided to stay and have lunch there because we're often invited and it always smells so lovely. She was hoping for pasta bake and I was hoping for a lasagne.

Well, we were both wrong, and sat down for a natter over less-glamorous ham and cheese toasties. Still, we got to have a good catch up and we got a toastie. Win. And not to mention a heaving amount of groceries for a fiver. Me more than her, since I grab all the free bread and veg options while she's more "selective". I got me a bag of carrots, a large courgette, and some apples.

I also went to Big Supermarket and spent my £10 voucher plus another £6. The whole lot should be most of what I need for a month (fresh things aside). My treat spends were a small loaf of fruit bread and a bottle of cheap cola. 😋 It is nice to see my "protein tins" shelf replenished and my freezer full.

Good Boss approved my leave for the last four weeks before maternity leave starts and says if I need to change that mat leave date, it's ok. His partner is absolutely knackered (due the same week as me) so he understands. I feel a little less breathless than last week but I'm feeling pretty "squished". Originally I planned to "save" my remaining 6 weeks of leave to have extra pay in a years' time, but it seems like it will be financially better to do it now, as in a years' time, the leave payments would cancel my Universal Credit... ho hum.

I got the payment date wrong for one of my credit cards by three days (I mixed up the Direct Debit date with the Due Date) and the money ain't there to pay it this afternoon. On the plus side I get paid tomorrow and they've said they re-attempt it three days later, so it should be ok, I'll make an extra payment tomorrow to make sure I beat that Due Date. I also got my payslip for Second Job and there will be a good pay plus a small tax refund which is very welcome. Fingers crossed, all bills will be covered for the next two weeks now. I'm still keeping the surveys windows open regardless! 😁

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