Saturday 13 July 2019

It's Raining Cash

Well, not really, but I got a "dreaded letter" this week from HMRC which unexpectedly says I'm owed £400, which I should get back in my hands within a week. Get in, that's better than a slap in the face! I am so excited about that sum and the dent it will make in my loans. Adulting++.

I'm enjoying work, not so much the work itself which is... work... but the people are good fun and it is nice to have company. And to be honest the work is not at all difficult. I am not perfect by any means, but much of my job is washing dishes and setting dinner tables, so I muddle through ok. The manager has given me a few extra hours, and every penny helps.

I foolishly stopped at the local fête and somehow only spent £5, which included a burger, a drink coaster that I definitely didn't need, and a small flowering plant for my windowsill.

More bread rolls came home with me from work - win. Considering they were destined for the bin, it's also good for the planet.

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