Sunday 21 July 2019

Musings For Today

I was all set to spend the day at the zoo - because why not - but when I woke up I realised that I needed a day off my feet, and traipsing around in the sun for hours is just not a day off my feet. Well, at least that's £25 I didn't spend (although I had already bought the fixings for a lovely picnic lunch, so I've enjoyed that today sitting at home).

I have gained an extra work day for tomorrow, ka-ching.

My car insurance is due this month. Last year, my insurer screwed me over royally on price, had to be argued with to honour their own quote, and then denied my cashback. This year, they've failed to alert me that it's due, had to be nagged for it, and even then were miles more expensive than comparison site prices. I counted the disappointments they've caused and it's 11. Eleven.

There's only one conclusion to be drawn and I will be accepting the quote I got from the comparison site of just under £400, saving 50 quid on the old insurer's "improved" quote, and also getting £24 in cashback on top for switching. I will pay it all in one hit on a credit card as I can clear it all next month before any interest kicks in and that makes it cheaper than monthly insurance repayments.

Speaking of which, I have learned in my travels that you should always use all of your credit cards regularly. This doesn't mean you should always buy things you don't need or spend in silly ways. But it's important that all the cards you have are being actively used (even if you clear the whole lot each month). Apparently this provides a pattern with every active card that shows you managing money correctly and is seen as favourable by companies who check your credit rating. Who knew? So instead of my one "go to" card I will try to use a different one each time I need to pay for something, just so that they all show as being used.

Unexpected: old job's last pay packet is going to be better than expected and very much welcomed. I am (stupidly) eyeing up a bigger car, which is mentally silly because I have a sweet, reliable and cheap-to-run, environmentally-ok vehicle. So I might compromise instead, and just buy him some new hub caps to make him look nice. :)

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