Tuesday 16 March 2021

Handy Unblocker Tool

 ...was today used for unblocking my vacuum cleaner, which had wallpaper stuck in the head. #value

I achieved a nice, washed, filled wall this weekend, ready to be sanded and primed. I even managed to get the floor hoovered, and while it's not "clean" it certainly has a whole lot less debris on it now.

The bathroom sink has been a trial. Whoever installed it needs a slap. Thank goodness I own plumber's tape...

Heater company has finally gotten back to me about getting the heater exchanged, and to my surprise has just told me to bin the old one once the new one arrives. It seems a waste to bin a £100 heater and not be able to replace the circuit board though, not gunna lie 😔

I have enjoyed my three-day break, which is a good thing, because my next weekend is "split". Frustrating, but not much I can do about it.

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