Thursday 4 March 2021

Killing Me

Annoying Face is killing me. Every time I walk into the warehouse, it's another marvel to behold, and not in a good way. Last night, one of my lovely checkout assistants, Poppet, took one look at it and made a comment about Taz the Tasmanian Devil. You know, run in at top speed, destroy everything and run off again. She then spent an entire hour with me in there doing nothing but restacking things, cleaning up and picking stock up off the floor, bless her heart.

Work Bestie walked in today after 8 hours of AF in charge and found it back in the same state as yesterday. He is fed up. A person should have a basic expectation that they can walk to the bathroom door, the office, the lift. Not have to play slalom with cages, trolleys and boxes of stock on the floor. The floor is lava. Nothing should be stored on the floor. And yet... obstacle course ensues.

It extends to important objects, with pricing scanners, mini printers and important keys cannily hidden amongst the debris, along with multiple coffee mugs. Everywhere you look is something half-finished or dumped. Eight (count 'em) leaking products thrown in the sink. A dozen damaged cold products left out of the fridge all day, meaning staff can no longer take them home to eat.

I was already aware that AF exists in her own world and barely talks to people, but I am only just learning, first hand, how difficult it makes life for the supervisor taking over. I am now in an awkward position because AF has asked for advice on how to improve. Boss lady has told me to be honest. But how can I possibly explain to AF that her problem is a complete lack of awareness of others?

Ehhh. Today's freebies were rice crackers, broccoli, bananas, kiwifruit and avocados. Dinner is a 30p glass of coke to wash down my free pepperoni pizza. Just call me the last of the big spenders :)

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