Thursday 25 March 2021

More Beaming

It's a yay and nay and hey kind of week. We had an audit of the store to check how we're going - it was on my day off, thank goodness, because I am 100% convinced I would have um'd and ah'd and stumbled through all the important questions and not been able to answer them. However, Work Bestie was on shift and performed amazingly, to the point where we scored a brilliant result, showing that we're doing a pretty dang good job on the store overall. My little beaming moment was a particular question that all cashiers had to answer, because I personally taught them all the "correct" answer - helping them all understand a stock thing that quite frankly isn't relevant to their job and involves concepts behind processes they do not even do! - and yet, the cashier on duty correctly explained the procedure to the auditing officer and we got a gold star 🌟

The nay part is that we, as a leadership team, had some outstanding and incomplete stuff, which was probably me (no way to tell but I suspect it was). Still, we aren't in trouble, it's just listed as a thing we need to get on top of. The "hey" part is that I know how to avoid this in future and it involves intentional laziness. If I just bin all the expired food immediately, it will never crop up later asking whether it was donated or taken home by staff or eventually binned. I really don't like this on principal. So I've been doing the right thing, dividing it for charity donation or for staff, and it comes back to bite me by making more work later...

Dinner: Greek salad, sweet & smoky chicken (all free).

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