Sunday 7 March 2021

What's Goin' On

Owzitgarn champions, what's goin' on?

Here's what's going on for me. I'm doing ok in my new role. I'm starting to feel comfortable in the basics. I still have to concentrate really, really hard at my time management - which is not relaxing - but I'm getting there. There are still things I do slowly, poorly, or not at all. But boss and I are both in agreement that Rome wasn't built in a day. And it is clear that I have Been Discussed™ with the GrandBoss, who visited and was very friendly. I also had my annual performance review this week for the past year and managed "exceed" for all metrics. Booyah. 

Boss Lady has given us a list of improvements for the store, and we need the cooperation of the checkout staff. They don't help you out if they don't like you, and they don't do things unasked unless they respect their supervisor. So if AF doesn't learn to actually lead those staff instead of being a jerk to them, and learn to Pick Up Her Own Crap, being a hard worker will stop being good enough. Watch this space.

Done: finished sanding the first wall, and it has been primed. Although it's white and you can see brushstrokes, it does give a feel for how things will look. It's a much cleaner look than the wallpaper. I only have a one-day weekend, and honestly I'm a bit stiff and sore from work, so two hours of wall-work was all the energy I had to spare. Maybe next weekend...

Free: a huge bin bag of small crisps past their best-before date. I've actually been packing a lunchbox since I got this new job because I rarely take a lunch break - I just eat while I'm doing other things like filling in reports or checking my work emails. The plus side is getting paid for the lunch breaks I don't take 😊

Also free: pasta salad, melon slices, vine tomatoes, roast vegies tray, beef joint, easter egg, insane amounts of pastries.

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