Thursday 11 November 2021

For Pity's Sake

Our managing agent has resigned due to harassment from one of the leaseholders. Can I just note here that the agent was working for the directors and this leaseholder is not even a director? Honestly. He was incredibly nasty to her and I'm not surprised she is opting out. I have mentally named him The Pit Bull and hope he stays the hell out of the whole business once we find a new agent.

Scaffolding is going up and there goes my privacy... the workers are right outside my windows, so I've had to pull all the curtains, how nice to sit without daylight.

Didn't get Job #3. Still not heard back from Job #1!!

Bumper pay packet this month and higher than I expected. I did a lot of extra hours here and there. No wonder I'm tired! Head office has thrown another new procedure at us with new forms to fill out and new magical expectations of our time. Plus ça change.

I have actually been a little better than usual this past week with spending. It's been so long since I showed any discipline and I've bought far too many meal deals for lunch, but I've mostly stuck to my cupboards and freezer for a week. It feels good to eat what I've got and know I'm saving my pennies. 

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